Edenred Card (Food Subsidy) #
Students receive a monthly food stipend through a Mastercard debit card from the company Edenred. The card is automatically reloaded each month. The reload date is marked on Google Calendar.
If you have any questions or problems with your card, please contact Edenred’s customer service team by emailing [email protected] or calling +46 (0)8-681 81 00. Phones are open Monday–Friday from 9:00–16:00.
Activating Your Card #
You will receive and activate your Edenred card during orientation in Stockholm. You can activate your card via the MyEdenred Sweden app or via phone.
Activate via the MyEdenred Sweden App #
Orientation includes a session for activating your card. The MyEdenred Sweden app is only available in the Swedish app store (see MyEdenred Sweden App below), which makes it difficult for some students to download the app. During the card activation session, Swedish Program staff will have devices available with the MyEdenred app installed. Follow these steps:
- Click here and enter the username printed on the envelope your card comes in. Click Skicka återställningslänk.
- Check your swedishprogram.org email inbox. You should receive an email from Edenred with a link to reset your password. Click the link and enter your new password. Make sure to remember your username and password (or add it to your password manager).
Next, go to a staff member and follow these steps in the MyEdenred app:
- Log in with your username and password, then click the gear icon in the menu and select Aktivera kort.
- Enter your password again and click OK. Enter the card’s CVC code (the three digits on the back of the card) and click OK.
- You will now be able to select your PIN code. Make sure to remember it! Your card is now active.
Activate via Phone #
- Go to your swedishprogram.org email inbox and search for an email from Edenred with the subject line, “Din aktiveringskod” (“Your activation code”). Find your 4-digit activation code in the email.
- Call Edenred’s customer service at +46 (0)8-681 81 37. Press 9 for English, then press 2 for activation. An automated voice will guide you through your card activation. You will enter your card number and activation code, then listen for your card’s PIN code. Make sure you have a pen ready to write down your PIN code!
Using Your Card #
The card can only be used within Sweden and only for food purchases. The card cannot be used to buy alcohol or tobacco. The card is accepted at the vast majority of cafés, restaurants, and grocery stores in Sweden, but there are a few exceptions like the grocery chain LIDL. If you’re ever unsure if the card will be accepted at a particular store or restaurant, just ask someone who works there or call ahead. You can also see where the card is accepted in the Edenred app.
Check Your Balance #
To check your Edenred account balance, call +46 (0)8-681 81 37. Press 9 for English, then press 1 for Balance, and an automated voice will confirm your account balance once you have entered your card details.
You can also see your balance on the home screen of the MyEdenred app.
Lost or Stolen Card #
If your Edenred card has been lost or stolen, you can block the card by calling +46 (0)8-681 81 37. Press 9 for English, then press 4 to Block your card. You will then be connected to a customer service representative who will assist you with blocking the card and ordering a new one.
You can also block your card in the MyEdenred app. Click the card icon in the bottom right corner and select Spärra kort. Once you have confirmed that you want to block your card, a new card will automatically be sent to the Swedish Program office in 2-5 working days.
MyEdenred Sweden App #
The MyEdenred Sweden app is available for iPhone or Android. To download the app, your country must be set to Sweden in the Apple App Store (click for instructions; we recommend using your laptop rather than phone) or Google Play Store (click for instructions). Please note that if you have an active balance or subscription on your App Store or Play Store account, it will prevent you from changing your country. Some students get around this by creating a new Apple or Google user ID for Sweden.
You can use the app is used to check your food subsidy balance, change your PIN code, replace a lost card, and view a map of restaurants, cafés, and grocery stores where your card is accepted.