
As a small program within an international university, we bring you the best of both worlds.

The Swedish Program is a highly-regarded study abroad program affiliated with the Stockholm School of Economics (SSE). Classes are small and collaborative, so Swedish Program students get to know their professors and peers. At the same time, students have access to SSE’s vibrant intellectual and social community. Students can further immerse themselves into Swedish culture through host families, contact families, and internships.


We aim to teach the values of global citizenship to help prepare students to address the political, economic, social, technological, and artistic issues of the 21st century. This mission is supported by our curricular breadth across the liberal arts, high academic standards, integrated university setting, and small size.


We believe that a successful study abroad experience involves pushing yourself to discover different ways of thinking and living. Integrating within your new host country isn’t easy – especially in a four-month academic semester – so we work hard to create unique opportunities for students to meet locals and experience Swedish culture.


The Swedish Program is a nonprofit organization. The program was founded in 1987 by Ken Wagner, our Executive Director, and is currently sponsored by a consortium of 22+ American colleges and universities. Today we have more than 2,100 alumni in the United States and around the world.


Liberal Arts Courses

Earn credit in a range of liberal arts courses taught in English by Swedish Program faculty.

Administration & Faculty

Our team is easily accessible and committed to helping you have a rewarding academic and cultural experience. We look forward to getting to know you.

Prestigious Affiliation

The unique opportunity to directly enroll in a course offered by the Stockholm School of Economics.

Student Life

The Student Association

Full access to SSE student events covering interests such as visual arts, sports and fitness, professional networking, equality and diversity, and more.


Experience Swedish work culture and get the chance to build your resume and network while you study abroad in Stockholm.


Group trips to the Stockholm Archipelago, the Viking Island of Gotland, and the Arctic Circle. Plus, two full weeks to travel on your own!



Choose between two housing options that help you integrate into Swedish life – live in single studio apartments in the same building with other Program students, along with SSE students, or in host families.

Fun, Safe, Sophisticated – and Different

Because everyone else seems to be going to England or Australia! Stockholm is the hidden gem of Europe known for its beauty, innovation, quality of life, and more.


Staff regularly organize cultural activities for students and send bi-weekly recommendations for events, restaurants, and places to enjoy around the city.

Start Your Application

It’s quick and easy:

    1. Complete an online application.
    2. Submit your transcript via our Official Transcript Submission Form.
    3. Ensure that a Recommendation Form and Home School Approval Form are submitted on your behalf.

More Information

•  Admission requirements and deadlines
•  Send us a message or call (315) 737-0123

“The Swedish Program gave me opportunities to go places I never imagined, and I grew so much during my short time there. I couldn’t imagine a better abroad experience in one of the greatest cities ever. The friends and memories I made there will last me a lifetime.”

Tristan Wolford, University of Pennsylvania ’24

The Swedish Program (formally “The Swedish Program in Organizational Studies and Public Policy”) is incorporated in the State of New York as a non-profit organization. We are affiliated with the Stockholm School of Economics and sponsored by a consortium of American colleges and universities.