Student Life

Make yourself at home in Stockholm.

From housing to internships to activities, we provide opportunities to connect with locals and experience Swedish culture.

Pursue your interests abroad

The Student Association

Make friends, stay active, and have fun with the Student Association at Stockholm School of Economics.


Opportunities to experience Swedish work culture, expand your network, and build your resume.


Cultural excursions in Sweden and two full weeks to travel on your own.

“Everyone cared so much about how I was doing, with formal check-ins throughout the semester and lots of casual conversations. From fikas at school to operas and football games, [the Program] provided so many activities that took the stress off of us to plan out everything we were going to do in a given week or weekend.”

Ivy Haight, Amherst College ‘25

Everyday life in Stockholm


Choose between two housing options that help you integrate into Swedish life: a fully furnished private apartment or carefully-chosen host family.

About Stockholm

An approachable yet cosmopolitan city known for its beauty, innovation, and high quality of life.

Health & Safety

We take a personal and proactive approach to supporting students’ physical and mental wellbeing.