Author: Caitlin Hawley

Living My Values

By Chris Kuo, Swedish Program '14 / In my experience, American culture has always promoted a “go, go, go” attitude where it has been hard to appreciate the things going on around you and also to find time to enjoy the things that really matter. Now that I am back in Sweden, what has changed? In short, a lot, and all in the best ways.
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Making a Home in Sweden

By Ruby Ling, Wesleyan '20 / Our apartment was a serene place to call home and the ideal setting to relax, work, cook, and be with friends.
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Discovering Sweden through the Language

By Camilla Sveréus, Instructor / Studying Swedish (or any new language) is not only about understanding the language as such. It is also about creating a greater understanding of the culture.
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Staying and Changing

By Clare McLeod, Cornell University '20 / “You’re going to have so much fun! You’re going to find some wonderful Swedish boy to run away with! You’re going to change so much!”
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