Forming Lifelong Friendships in Sweden
Though I consider myself outgoing, I was very scared that making friends would be the hardest part of going to a new place: I couldn’t have been more wrong.
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Reflecting on my Swedish Program Experience
At the Swedish Program and the Stockholm School of Economics (SSE), I found that course lectures, activities, and field trips were unlike anything I could find at my American liberal arts college.
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Studying in Sweden
On the days when I know I need to do work but would rather socialize, the atrium is a safe bet. The spacious indoor patio at the heart of SSE is filled with small cafe tables that always manage to fit one more Swedish Program student than it should.
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Making a Life in Stockholm
I feel at home in Stockholm, not only because of my obvious love for the city but also because of the close community I’ve built within the Swedish program.
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