Why You’ll Feel at Home in Stockholm
My study abroad experience may have ended, but the things I learned are and will be lifelong.
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An Ongoing International Education – From Stockholm to Boston
By Amelia Poole, Swedish Program '17 / Stockholm has a special friendliness and sense of security that made my semester one of tremendous growth, confidence, and excitement about being a bit out of place. It was the experience that makes the work I do now so rewarding.
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Living My Values
By Chris Kuo, Swedish Program '14 / In my experience, American culture has always promoted a “go, go, go” attitude where it has been hard to appreciate the things going on around you and also to find time to enjoy the things that really matter. Now that I am back in Sweden, what has changed? In short, a lot, and all in the best ways.
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Studying in Sweden – Round Two
By Sarah Wiggins, Tufts University '17, Stockholm School of Economics '19 / It hadn’t been more than a week into the Swedish Program before I knew I had to come back to Stockholm. There was something about the rhythm of daily life here that spoke to me, and I had to investigate that further.
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