
Returning To Stockholm

Each day back in Stockholm, we recounted memories and retold stories about times from our Spring 2019 semester, always bringing smiles to our faces.
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My Swedish Family

My connection with my contact family is strikingly natural, so easy to slip into the soft rhythm of their family. From doing so, I have inadvertently learned so much about the Swedish way of life and special elements of their family that I want to co-opt into my own.
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Studying in Sweden

On the days when I know I need to do work but would rather socialize, the atrium is a safe bet. The spacious indoor patio at the heart of SSE is filled with small cafe tables that always manage to fit one more Swedish Program student than it should.
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The Swedish Program

Making a Life in Stockholm

I feel at home in Stockholm, not only because of my obvious love for the city but also because of the close community I’ve built within the Swedish program.
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