Grades & Transcripts #
Grading #
Swedish Program Courses #
Grades for Swedish Program courses are based on the scale of A–F. Students cannot take a course pass/fail.
SSE Direct Enrollment Courses #
Grades for SSE direct enrollment courses are based on the following scale:
- A: 75–100
- B: 65–74
- B-: 60–64
- C: 50–59
- F: Below 50
All SSE students who fail a course are allowed to take the final exam again. This opportunity will also apply to Swedish Program students taking an SSE direct enrollment course. SSE will announce a specific date for re-examination which cannot be changed. You will likely have already returned home when you would be entitled to take this exam. To take the exam again, you must return to Stockholm at your own expense and take the exam at the assigned time and place. There can be no exceptions to this requirement.
Withdrawal (W) #
Students are required by the terms of their residence permit to be enrolled as full-time students taking 4 courses. In addition, most of our partner schools require that students complete 4 courses. However, students can withdraw from 1 course and receive a “W” with permission from our Head of Administration and from their home institution. Permission to withdraw will only be granted if there is a medical or other justifying circumstance. Please ask your treating physician, psychiatrist, psychologist, or similar to complete the Medical Attestation Form.
Incomplete (I) #
An “Incomplete” may be given to a student only at the discretion of the instructor and only when there is a compelling academic or personal reason that the student cannot complete the course requirements. A student who receives an incomplete must complete the requirements for the course no later than 3 weeks from the official last day of the semester in question or an F grade will automatically be given.
Statement of Grades #
Upon completion of the semester, we will issue a Statement of Grades to you and to your school within six weeks. No action is required on your part.
Official Transcript #
While most schools accept our Statement of Grades, some schools require an official transcript. In such cases, our School of Record, Colby College, will issue an official transcript specifying your grade for each course and 4 semester hours of credit for the successful completion of each course.
There is a charge of $150 to issue an official transcript. In some cases this fee is paid by the school, and in other cases this fee is paid by the student. If your school requires an official transcript and you must pay the $150 fee, you will be notified by The Swedish Program.
Alumni Records #
If you wish to request additional copies of your grade records, please see Records Request.